Medical wastewater treatment

Medical wastewater treatment

With the development of medical industry, the treatment of hospital wastewater has become an important environmental issue. Medical wastewater often contains a large amount of biological and chemical pollutants, and if not effectively treated, it will cause serious harm to the ecological environment. Therefore, developing efficient medical wastewater treatment equipment is crucial.

Equipment Process

The commonly used biochemical treatment processes for sewage treatment mainly include anaerobic treatment process, hydrolysis acidification process, and aerobic treatment process.

Anaerobic biochemistry refers to the process of decomposing and converting various complex organic compounds in wastewater into substances such as methane and carbon dioxide through the action of anaerobic microorganisms under conditions without molecular oxygen. This process can be used for the treatment of medium to high concentration organic wastewater.

The hydrolysis stage is a necessary process for the degradation of macromolecular organic matter. In order for macromolecular organic matter to be utilized by microorganisms, it must first be hydrolyzed into small molecule organic matter before it can enter bacterial cells for further degradation.

The biological contact oxidation method has the characteristics of both activated sludge method and biofilter.

Equipment Advantages

  • Advanced technology|Advanced process standards and emission standards that meet standards

  • Saving land|Effectively utilizing land that can save occupation

  • Reduce costs|Effectively reducing costs

  • Fully automatic|Fully automatic control

  • Simple operation|Simple operation

  • Good effect|Innovative operation technology with good results


Application Area

  • Private hospitals

  • Community health service center

  • Specialized hospitals

  • Stomatological hospital

  • CDC